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Jeremy Ganss

Is there a link for the free photo from the event? 

Andrew S.

Did anybody get pics of this event?

Kevin C.

Yes, I was the photographer for MotorSportMedia.  I took pictures of all the cars at various corners of SIR.  Visit the link below

Andrew S.

@Kevin C did you get pics of the red S550 mustang with white wheels in the novice class? I would be glad to get a photo package if so

Jeremy Ganss

I haven't got the email for the free image from this track night. 

Matthew Griffin

Are the Sebring garages avail for TNIA participants?

Stuart Mullan

Hi Matthew,

There will be a limited number of garage spaces available for Intermediate and Advanced Group drivers. They will be allocated on a first come first served basis.


Stuart Mullan

Hi Matthew,

There will be a limited number of garage spaces available for Intermediate and Advanced Group drivers. They will be allocated on a first come first served basis.


Minh L.

Asking for a friend, are convertible Miata’s allowed with stock rollbars? Or do they have to be aftermarket?

James Vincent Rodatus

It depends on the Miata.  The NA and NB require aftermarket roll bars.  The NC and ND have sufficient factory rollover protection for our events.

Joe S.

Are race preped cars allowed?

James Vincent Rodatus

It depends.  We draw hard line against competition license holders driving race cars.  We do occasionally allow race prepped cars that are only used as track day cars.

See this page for more information: