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Rich Ruman

May I please get an update on my position on the waiting list for this Track Night Event?

Kathleen Barnes

You are third.  We will let you know if cancellations come.




Any idea on waitlist updates (just so I could be planning on higher or lower odds of getting in?)?

James Vincent Rodatus

If anything changes, we'll let you know.  


Also, how many cars are allowed in each category for this event, each evening? 20? 30? 40? Curious...

James Vincent Rodatus

It depends on the track.  At Daytona, each session has 40 cars.


I was also waitlisted for the April event; can you let me know what number I am on the waitlist?

James Vincent Rodatus

You are 6th in Novice...for now.


James Vincent Rodatus Thank you. My friend signed up at same time... can you tell me his position? Chuck Wilkerson (Lotus car).

James Vincent Rodatus

He's sixth.  And you are now 5th.


James Vincent Rodatus Any update on my waitlist position?

Erick S.

I was waitlisted for the April event; what are the odds of being able to attend? 

James Vincent Rodatus

You're currently 18th on the Novice waitlist.  I can't predict how many cancellations we will have between now and April 21st.

Erick S.

@James - no worries on the 'prediction', knowing the number-in-line I am on the waitlist is good enough. Thanks!