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Bob C.

I’m on the wait list.  How do you notify peope if there’s an opening?  I live in Winston-Salem. 

Kathleen Barnes

When an opening comes up,  we contact people from the wait list.  

Bob C.

What’s the protocol if you’re on the wait list?

Kathleen Barnes

If we get openings,  Jack Track will contact people from the wait list.  If there are no shows and someone from the wait list is there,  we complete their registation.

Zack S.

What time does the gate open to us registered for the event?

Kathleen Barnes


Dylan Hartley

What about if it rains? This will be my first event

Kathleen Barnes

We drive rain or shine.  If you feel that you would prefer to choose another event be your first time on track - contact within the cancellation period.

Jason W.

For the track touring laps @5:30 will I be able to take my two boys with me during that time? 

Kathleen Barnes

Passengers on Track Tours must be 12 years old and must have fully executed SCCA minor waivers.