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Michael E.

Hi, do you have to register again for track tour laps if you are already driving in a run group?

Justin Barbry

If you are registered as a driver in any of the regular sessions you don't have to register again. 

Tony F.

I am registered, can you tell me what run group I am in, and are we allowed to take passengers/riders who sign a waiver ? 

Kathleen Barnes

Tony F.  you are in Advanced.  The only passengers at Track NIght are in the Track Tours sessions.



I am registered for this event.  I have a friend who would like to drive his car on a track tour.  Are you offering track tours at this event?

Justin Barbry

We have Track Touring laps scheduled for 7pm. 

Jorge R.

I'm part of a big group attending the event from Miami. And have a member that is on the beginner  waiting list. How can we know if she will be able to participate. Her name is Stella and drives an Audi R8. Thank you

Jorge R.

She is registered as Letica B.

greg k.

We are working on that right now.