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Garrett O.

Do we fill out the tech checklist before coming or do yall do it when we get there?

Kathleen Barnes

Fill out the tech checklist before you get to the event~


Kathleen Barnes

You may cancel up to the day before -  and reschedule or keep a credit on your account.


John A.

That's very flexible and appreciated, families / households keep changing because of covid, unemployment etc. - thanks Kathleen.

John A.

Hi - I would like to reschedule, possibly for VIR - how can Istart that?


i would like to reschedule for a different event. How do i do that?

John A.

Is there any way to cancel if I have to? I'm signed up, 2nd time running Roval - fun track, unlike anything I've driven. 

Kathleen Barnes

Tom - check back closer to the event.  Restrictions change based on what the local regulations are at the time of the event.

Tom W.

Are there special Covid considerations besides masks/social distancing, can you bring a family member?