• bob t.

    Novice Duo Allowed

    My buddy and I own a 2014 Chevy SS Sedan (RWD Vette powered) and we're looking to take part in Track Night in America. We've got helmets, the car is ready, we read the whole website, but we've got a few questions:

    1) As novices, are we both allowed to ride in the car together from the start of the event? I'll be doing all the driving, my buddy is an ambulatory quadriplegic and just wants to be in the car to experience the track firsthand. We acknowledge both of us need to register for the event, which is not an issue.

    2) The Need to Know > What's the Facts (FAQ) > "Can I get a discount?" question mentions going to the TrackBucks page for retailers offering TNiA coupons. My search of your site failed to find that page. Does it exist?

    3) The Need to Know > SCCA Resources page starts by stating that TNiA operates under the SCCA Time Trials rule set. Below that a link to the document "SCCA Time Trial Rules Organizational Information" on page 4 states "INSURANCE: All events sanctioned by the SCCA shall be insured for Event Liability and Partipant Accident coverage." What exactly does this insurance cover for the participants?

    Thanks in advance for answering, and providing this awesome track opportunity!



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    • Mike B.

      Hello Bob,

      Welcome to the Track Night in America program. While I defer final rulings to event management, I'll try to answer as best as possible.


      1) Typically novices are not allowed to ride together during hot lapping sessions. There is a lot going on at high speeds and two people in unfamiliar territory can lead to some unpredictable results at best. Generally ride alongs during a session are reserved for either an instructor to guide you as your passenger or to drive you on a few tutorial laps if there's something you just aren't 'getting' after several attempts with you at the wheel.

         That said, Track Nights offers a few fantastic opportunities for your buddy to ride along at the event. There are the paced laps open to anyone and everyone over the age of 12 to get a feel for things at a casually brisk pace. If he would like something a little faster paced, at the official's discretion, he could be a passenger in an advanced student's vehicle. He will have to be a participant either way.


      2) While I haven't necessarily found the Track Bucks per se, there have been several offers for $25 off an event if you register before x date/time. I believe the last one was sometime last week if you registered for any event in May. Your best bet is to get on the mailing list and/or check back here often. Even without the Track Bucks, $150 for an hour of seat time and experienced instructors to give you tips and pointers is a great deal.


      3) Details of the insurance coverage vary from group to group but typically in a High Performance Driving Event like this, the provided insurance may cover you for incidents not involving vehicle to object contact or off-track excursion related. Again, you'll have to confirm with event management. If you are asking about vehicle coverage (which is generally everybody's question for a track day), you would need to purchase a separate policy. Lockton Affinity is an excellent source for vehicle coverage. I've used them exclusively for the past several years. They are a driver friendly company that allows declared value policies, multi-event discounts, and per event pricing meaning 1 policy will cover an entire event whether it's 1 day or 3 days long.


      I hope this helps at least a little. Which event are you signed up for? If you're going to be in the Northeast at any Boston or New Jersey events I'd be happy to help you guys out the day of the event.

